I grew up in a small southern Idaho town, close to the mountains where I found lots of adventure and intrigue. Early in my youth, I embraced the Boy Scout organization and became a Cub Scout, and eventually through advancement in the ranks of scouting became an Eagle Scout. The time honored and treasured values learned, along with the many challenges faced and overcome in scouting, have been carried with me throughout my life. I will always long for adventure and now the open road.
All my adult years, I have spent my time serving the needs of others. This desire to serve has carried through into the adventuresome side of my life. As I complete each adventure in my life, it would not only motivate me, but I found it was motivating others. It was during the training for my bike trip to Yosemite and back that I found real purpose. I questioned why I was doing what I planned to do and the words came in answer: Within each of us there are limitations. However, within those limitations there are mountains to climb and goals to reach. So reach and climb your mountains and achieve your goals. Live your dreams. You can do it.
Now it has all come together.
Reach Out ~ to lift, motivate & inspire.
~ Paul Giles
Where is there a boy, even in these materialistic times, to whom the call of the wild and the open road does not appeal? Maybe it is the primitive instinct, anyway it is there. With that key a great door may be unlocked, if it is only to admit fresh air and sunshine into lives that were otherwise grey.
Lord Baden Powel